Finishing School 1.0

Announcing enrollment for Finishing School! Class for this round goes into session the first Thursday of the month - join us! Taking place in a group coaching container for 12 weeks, with additional transformational support accessible for another 6 weeks, this program is designed to help you:

Tie up your past,

transform your patterns,

build your future self now.

Tie up a bow and finish the phase of your life spent in survival mode so you can shift into a thriving life (and business). Quickly. 

Start your purpose-driven life and with clarity and JOY. And support and celebration!

The skills and insight you'll gain on this journey will help you put a punctuation mark on the time in your life where you are relying on friends, coaches or a therapist to help you do the thing only you can do.

You have to become your own lifeboat and get yourself to shore. After safety comes thriving and living on purpose. 

If you feel ready to grow but parts of you are holding back, it's time for not just a new page or new chapter. It's time for a new book.

>>act now to enroll in Finishing School<<

This program may be for you if you find yourself doing these things to survive in your life or business:

  • Struggling with a lack of clarity on your direction
  • Overwhelmed, procrastinating or never finishing projects
  • Feeling triggered left, right and center and being thrown off for days
  • Money/scarcity fears driving your decisions
  • People pleasing or perfectionism/self-criticism
  • Your fear of being seen/imposter syndrome keeps you from showing up
  • Poor boundaries or ignoring your own needs
  • Overworking, never resting
  • Distrusting the future, projecting negative stories

All of these behaviors point to unconscious conditioning in the form of limiting beliefs that keep us from thriving.

These limiting beliefs lead us to live in a way that seeking safety overtakes our ability to grow and build a more purpose-filled life and business.

The 90% of our thinking that is unconscious is driving these behaviors. That means you are operating most of the time on programming installed in you when you were very young, from age 0 to 7.

Isn’t it time to rewire this old stuff and install some upgraded “software”?

It’s time to cut the strings of your past so you can build a new life that feels GOOD. Really good.

>>Enroll in Finishing School<<

Finishing School provides you with three key life skills of emotional regulation, inner child healing, and re-patterning limiting beliefs (called the Belief Unblock Method). 

If you've been to therapy for more than a few months and your patterns are frustratingly clear, but you feel unable to change them, this program will help you finish that phase of your life.* You'll also get insight into your soul's blueprint so you can build your future life and business with clarity and purpose.

If you're ready to feel on top of your sh*t, with an empowered mind and a confident heart, ready to take on the future, this program was designed just for you.

>>Read testimonials here!<<

How does it work?

You will meet with your Healing Coach, Rebecca, in a small group for 12 weeks with practices to implement and integrate in between sessions. You'll also receive another 6 weeks of calls, support and curriculum called Grad School! The program elements (valued in total at $6,000 to $8,000) include:

  • 12 Live Small Group Coaching Sessions with Rebecca Bee, Healing Coach (no more than 15 people) plus at least 12 instructional coaching sessions ($3,500 value)
  • 6 Curriculum Delivery Modules by Rebecca Bee ($1,200 value)
    • Module 0: Foundations
    • Module 1: Personal Inventories
    • Module 2: Emotional Regulation 101 (full curriculum)
    • Module 3: Reparenting 101
    • Module 4: Belief Rewire 101
    • Module 5: Integration & Celebration


  • Bonus Live Monthly Workshops on Mindset, Manifestation, Herbs for Emotional Wellness, Astrology and Slow Yoga ($400 value)
  • Bonus Materials (body-mind practices, meditations, Mindfulness workshop and 4-part Resourcing Workshop) ($300+ value)
  • Supportive Community in an exclusive private group (priceless!)
  • NEW BIG BONUS! Access to Grad School - 6 weeks of additional support and Grad School curriculum! (value: $3,500)
    • 2x monthly Live Coaching Grad School Sessions designed to help you build your dream life (and maybe your business or book!)
    • 6-Module Grad School Curriculum to set your foundation for growth (unlocks after 90 days in Finishing School):
      • Module 6: Set Your Foundation for Success
      • Module 7: Own Your Soul's Blueprint
      • Module 8: Design Your Life
      • Module 9: Find Your Perfect Community/Audience
      • Module 10: Start Building 
      • Module 11: Troubleshooting workshops for targeted rewiring: Handling Triggers, Procrastination, Self-Sabotage, Imposter's Syndrome, Being Visible, Money Blocks

You leave Finishing School with clarity on your purpose and path forward, with an empowered sense of being able to withstand whatever hiccups occur in your life without being thrown for a loop by business setbacks or family/personal drama…through all of it you feel more grounded in your own skin and connected with a sense of assuredness in who you are and your ability to handle challenges and setbacks, so you can keep growing as a leader and as a person.

Still have questions? Let's chat - click this link to set up a call.

When does it begin and what is the schedule?

Finishing School classes are occurring on a rolling basis so you can join anytime. We are currently meeting at noon Eastern the first and third Thursdays of the month in addition to the Grad School growth/alignment track meeting second, second and fourth Tuesdays of the month (also at noon Eastern).

Access to the curriculum platform continues for a total of 4 months! 

If you can't make each live session, don't worry - we'll record everything for you to stay up to speed.

>>I'm ready to enroll in Finishing School<<

What is the time commitment?

The commitment is essentially 90 minutes per week for the first 12 weeks that you commit to showing up for the curriculum and coaching. However, most of the work happens in your daily life as you establish new practices (meditation, re-parenting, rewiring) and a new mindset. These practices can be woven into your daily life without a lot of extra time but they take conscious commitment.

The work is worth it. With the newly installed skills of emotional regulation, self-healing and belief re-wiring, you get to thrive:

  • You have clarity on your purpose and path forward.
  • You trust yourself deeply and can make progress on your goals.
  • You feel safe and comfortable in your own skin in any situation.
  • You have access to more joy on a more regular basis.
  • You become an on-fire action taker, implementing all the things that were sitting on your to-do list previously.
  • You're able to sense what you need easily and set boundaries with comfort and confidence.
  • You allow others to support you.
  • You balance work, play and rest.
  • You believe in abundance and you trust the future.
  • If the future feels uncertain, you can fully trust yourself.

When you heal the limiting beliefs beneath your unhelpful patterns, it creates deep changes can't help but have a ripple effect across your life, allowing you to expand into the entrepreneur and person you are meant to be.

And if you’re an entrepreneur with an allergy to finishing projects, you’ll find yourself understanding and uprooting the reasons why you procrastinate. Many who have gone through this curriculum ask “who is this person getting stuff done?”

>>I'm sold. Get me enrolled!<<

Who is this program for?

This program is for you if:

  • You’ve done years of therapy and are ready to break through some of the blocks you know really well but haven’t been able to change.
  • You’re sick of trying every business, mindset and therapy solution and tired of the repeated disappointment and the feeling of still being stuck.
  • You have a steady meditation or yoga practice and at some point, it stopped helping you move forward.
  • You do everything yourself but know that THIS is different, you are ready to get support.
  • You are ready to step into a transformative 12-week process with a community of like-minded people ready to heal and transform their lives.
  • You are willing to do the work and apply the curriculum on a weekly basis.

This program is not for you if:

  • You aren’t ready to transform and change your daily life actions.
  • You have no intention of holding yourself accountable.
  • You don’t want to meditate or try mindfulness.
  • You are not feeling safe and grounded enough to open up potentially painful feelings.
  • You have never been to therapy and have no desire to go.

Need help making sure this program is for you? I've got time for you - click this link to set up a call.

If you’re stuck in old patterns and painfully aware of them, there is no time to waste in taking action to build the skills you need to change your life.

And there’s great value in doing this work in community – it provides the accountability, support and encouragement to keep going when the healing work gets uncomfortable. You are supported no matter what.

How much does it cost?

Finishing School is structured as below:

  • Finishing School 12-Week Coaching Program 24 live group coaching sessions, 6 curriculum instruction modules, 4 months access to platform, weekly calls and 24/7 support in private community formum): $2,222
  • Finishing School 12-Week VIP Coaching Program (3 1-on-1 VIP sessions, 3 months Voice (Voxer) access, 12 live group coaching sessions, 6 curriculum instruction modules, 4 months access to platform, weekly calls and 24/7 support in private community formum): $3,330 

With the transformation Finishing School provides, you have the opportunity to sense a deep connection with your highest self and a bone-deep confidence to handle anything life throws at you. You feel clear and ready to build the life and business you want to experience.

You get to put the effects of the past where they belong: in the past.

Step out of survival mode and enter into a life where you are thriving and growing in your business and beyond.

*Note: this program is for entertainment and educational purposes only and is not in any instance therapy or a substitute for therapy. Rebecca Bee (Rebecca Bromberg) is not a licensed mental health counselor and cannot diagnose or treat mental health disorders.

8 Modules

Module 0: Program Orientation

Get oriented and prepared for your 12-week journey through Finishing School with the program syllabus, the Belief Map, an assessment of your blocks and discover the body-mind practices in the embodiyou Bonus Vault.

Module 2: Emotional Regulation 101

Learn and practice the 4 kinds of awareness, learn the neuroscience of emotional regulation, get 3 resourcing practices under your belt (and map your resources) and build your healing mindset.

Module 4: Belief Rewire 101

Learn the Belief Rewire technique. Connect with and rewire into the beliefs you want to have, learn to talk to your subconscious mind, how to rewire beliefs.

Coaching Calls

Watch call recordings - calls are archived by dates with descriptive titles. Zoom links are emailed out the day of or the day before our calls, which are currently noon eastern on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

Current Schedule:

First and Third Thursdays: Finishing School (Healing Track)

Second and Fourth Tuesdays: Grad School (Growth & Alignment Track)*

*Flight School, a separate program track focused on Business Creation, meets First Tuesday at noon eastern.

Modules for this product 8
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Payment Options

 Finishing School (12-module curriculum, 24+ live group sessions, 4 months support)
 $2,222.00 USD
 Finishing School VIP Journey (3 1-1 sessions, voice access, 24+ live group sessions, curriculum, 4 months support)
 $3,330.00 USD

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No payment method needed.

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